ESG Report


Customers make sustainable choices

Allegro Naturally (Allegro Naturalnie)

We want to make sustainable choices easier for customers buying on our platform. To this end, we have launched Allegro Naturalnie, a space offering socially responsible products that are in harmony with nature and often certified. On Allegro Naturalnie, customers can find natural cosmetics for the whole family, sustainable cleaning products, pet food made from quality ingredients as well as groceries, including vegetarian and vegan products.

Fight for clean air

All across Allegro, we also do not sell coal stoves that do not meet legal requirements. One of the most important environmental problems in Poland is the quality of the air we breathe. Many Polish cities are at the top of the lists of the most polluted cities in Europe. One of the culprits are domestic coal stoves that do not meet the norms. In March 2020, we signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Polish Smog Alert (Polski Alarm Smogowy) as well as the chairman of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK). As part of the Anti-Smog Coalition (Koalicja Antysmogowa), we have decided to remove from our platform all offers with coal stoves that fail to meet the legal requirements.

In 2021, we removed 413 offers. Additionally, to ensure an even higher level of safety, Allegro has introduced a provision in its regulations that stoves can only be offered for sale if the required documentation (certificates) is attached to the offer.

Allegro for animals

We also protect wildlife. For many years, we have been working PTOP Salamandra – Polish Nature Conservation Society. Our goal is to eliminate offers of endangered species (CITES) and help combat illegal wildlife trafficking. This partnership enables us to identify illegal offers and remove them from the platform.

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