ESG Report


Sustainability strategy

CSR and sustainability are strategically and comprehensively managed by Allegro. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are a part of Allegro’s daily business operations as well as its long-term strategic plans. Consequently, in 2020 Allegro developed its CSR and Sustainability Strategy for 2020-2023 that defines Allegro’s long-term priorities in this area.

The Group’s CSR & Sustainability Strategy continues our important social and educational programmes, adding considerable emphasis on environmental issues

The strategy’s slogan is #SustainableAllTogether because by working with customers, merchants, business partners, employees and other stakeholders, we actively pursue Sustainable Development Goals. As a marketplace, Allegro has a significant impact on the Polish economy and society. Through R&D and technology investments, we create a flywheel effect that scales up much beyond our own direct contribution. Our innovations and initiatives increase resilience and fuel the growth of our customers and merchants, as well as business partners. In our approach, we focus on the environmental aspects of e-commerce operations while constantly stepping up our ambitions and identifying further goals to be achieved.

The Group’s long-term sustainability goals are expected to help our customers make responsible choices, through exposure to and promotion of sustainable products by optimizing Allegro.pl product search based on fair and transparent criteria. We are working on a dedicated space for those looking for sustainable products because we want to make it easier for buyers to find products with certificates and to promote sellers in this market segment. We aim to raise awareness of the best practices in sustainable packaging and logistics, giving both merchants and buyers the knowledge and tools to promote the circular use of resources across our entire value chain. We intend to encourage more merchants to use sustainable packaging. We educate our merchants and customers on the developing Allegro Academy e-learning platform. In particular, the Group measures its environmental impact, runs annual GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions monitoring and pursues an agenda to reduce average GHG emissions per GMV.

The strategy was approved and adopted by the Board of Directors. The results of the strategy are monitored continuously, presented to the management and published in the annual ESG report.

SDGs pursued as part of Allegro’s CSR & Sustainability Strategy for 2020–2023



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The strategy comprises 86 initiatives that help operationalize our efforts. Goals and key KPIs have been defined for each pillar and are monitored monthly.

Long-term ESG goals and implementation progress

As part of a strategy review, we prioritized the main ESG goals that we present below


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Our main achievements in 2021 with reference to the four pillars of the CSR & Sustainability Strategy:



KPI description 

Strategy pillar 



rNPS in customer satisfaction survey5
[KPI 1]

Pillar 1 



professional (“B2C”) merchants on Allegro [KPI 2]

Pillar 2

13.5 million

13 million

active buyers6 on Allegro [KPI 3]

Pillar 1

1 million


unique users who visited the Allegro Academy e-learning platform and attended at least one out of the 72 available educational courses in 2021 (1,080,996 unique users) [KPI 4]

Pillar 2

PLN 4.3 million 


donations made by the Allegro.eu Group to charity and social organizations [KPI 5]

Pillar 3



FSC-certified recycled packaging items were introduced by Allegro Pack [KPI 6]

Pillar 2



of employees perceive Allegro7 as a workplace where everyone is respected regardless of gender, age or any other dimension of diversity [KPI 7]

Pillar 4

5 rNPS – relational net promoter score in Q4’21, the value in Q3’21 was 78.8. Customer Service NPS was 74.2 for Q4’21 and 77.4 for Q3’21. 
6 Active Buyer represents, as of the end of a period, each unique email address connected with a buyer that has made at least one purchase on any of Allegro.pl, Allegrolokalnie.pl or eBilet.pl in the preceding twelve months. Previously the data excluded eBilet.pl. All data points have been retrospectively adjusted to revised definition
7data from the BaZa 2020 Annual Engagement Survey conducted in Q2 2021 at Allegro.pl, AllegroPay and Allegro Finance; the result for Ceneo.pl is 88%; no data are available for eBilet.pl

Responsible oversight, or the Management Committee

As Sustainability and Climate are strategic issues for Allegro, the responsibility for defining strategic directions in this area lies with the Management Committee composed of the CEO and Board of Directors. The Sustainability Team, supported by dedicated managers and employees from the various departments within the organization, is responsible for the operational management of this area.

The management team oversees matters of sustainable development and climate, especially by monitoring and supervising the company’s CSR & Sustainability Strategy. At the same time, since climate and environmental risks are subject to risk management and the Risk Management Policy, all Allegro.eu employees are responsible for risk identification and reporting. The role of the Board of Directors is to supervise corporate risk, define the scope of risk management, define directions for the development of the risk management system and determine risk appetite levels.

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Management and leadership role 

Management Committee for CSR & Sustainability

  • approves strategic directions and goals and recommends changes/activities 
  • approves reports on the implementation of the Allegro CSR Strategy 
  • supervises the integration of the CSR strategy and initiatives with Allegro’s business goals 
  • selects priority areas and formulates long-term strategic plans 

Management Committee (CEO & Board of Directors) 

Allegro.eu’s highest governing body, the Board of Directors, takes ESG-related matters into account when performing its supervisory duties. ESG is discussed at Board of Directors meetings. The Company has established the CSR & Sustainability Management Committee, composed of General Counsel and Corporate Affairs Director, Communications Director and Chief Security Officer. The Steering Committee includes the CEO and the Board of Directors. The duties of the Committees are described above. ESG issues are also raised at meetings of the Board and are taken into account in the business decisions that are made.

Allegro.pl’s Sustainability & CSR team consists of several experts in the field of ESG and sustainability, additionally supported by investor relations, compliance and HR experts. The Sustainability of Delivery Experience team includes professionals dealing with sustainable development in fulfillment, deliveries and logistics services, including last mile. All of them work closely together to meet the ESG strategy goals and are also involved in reporting.

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Allegro.pl in the UN Global Compact, or implementing the 2030 Agenda

In 2021, Allegro.pl joined the UN Global Compact, an initiative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations that brings together companies and institutions which consider sustainable development important. By joining the UN Global Compact, the company pledged to implement policies and global UN initiatives, focusing on environmental protection and counteracting the climate crisis. It is also a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the United Nations in its 2030 Agenda. Joining the UN Global Compact is a testament to our genuine commitment to the CSR & Sustainability strategy and our environmental pledge.

We educate sellers on sustainable development and implement the climate agenda in our supply chain. Global Compact brings together over 12,000 companies and 3,000 institutions from 160 countries. This means that Allegro is joining a large international community, for whom the conversation about sustainable development is extremely important.

In 2021, Allegro joined the Ethical Standards Committee of UN Global Compact Network Poland. The company was involved in work on diversity and inclusion, ethical issues, as well as sharing good practices. In 2022, Allegro intends to continue being active in the Ethical Standards Committee and Climate Positive Programme of UN Global Compact Network Poland.

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As a UNGC participant, we report on our progress on implementing the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Area: Human rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights

Principle 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses


3.5.1. Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners of Allegro and Code of Conduct to Support Rights of Merchants

  • Our internal regulations and code of conduct for suppliers already include the UN Global Compact principles
  • We implemented Allegro.eu’s Human Rights Policy

Read more in the Human Rights section and the Employees section

Area: Labour

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour

Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

4.2. We create equal opportunities in a challenging business environment

4.2.3. Review of Diversity & Inclusion/equal opportunities governance structure

4.2.4. Diversity and inclusion training on various staff levels

4.2.5. Additional programme that supports the professional development of people with disabilities and/or young people from underprivileged groups (e.g. paid internships)

4.2.6. Appointing D&I working groups where people can share news, best practices, stories and proposals to make the working environment increasingly more diverse and inclusive

  •  We introduced the Anti-discrimination and Anti-bullying Policy, as well as the Whistleblowing Policy
  • A diversity policy was introduced in Allegro in 2020, and we are working on diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • We also organize anti-bullying and anti-discrimination training to facilitate recognizing and preventing undesired behaviour and build positive relations between employees

Read more in the following sections: Human rights; Employees; Diversity and inclusion

Area: Environment

Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges

Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility

Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

1.2. We help customers lower the carbon footprint of products’ delivery process

2.4. We advance the climate agenda in the supply chain and deliveries, e.g. introducing reusable packaging, reducing the environmental impact of single-use packaging materials, measuring delivery emissions

3.4. We are greening our operations, e.g.: leading the effort to reduce emissions from Allegro order deliveries, increasing energy efficiency and circularity of operations, developing data collection & emission factors

  • We are introducing annual GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions monitoring and the agenda to reduce our carbon footprint
  • We are working on a dedicated space for those looking for sustainable products because we want to make it easier for buyers to find products with certificates and promote merchants in this market segment.
  • We aim to raise awareness of the best practices in sustainable packaging and logistics, giving both merchants and buyers the knowledge and tools to promote circular use of resources across our entire value chain
  • We encourage more merchants to use sustainable packaging
  • We joined the Science Based-Targets Initiative and committed ourselves to pursuing the climate-related targets: (1) A 38% reduction of GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C pathway (against 2021) (2) Engaging at least 69% of the largest suppliers to determine their science-based targets for Scope 1 and 2 within 5 years from 2021.

Read more in the Environment and Climate section.

Area: Anti-corruption

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

3.3. We manage our business in a responsible way

3.5.1. Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners of Allegro

  • Our internal regulations and the Suppliers Code of Conduct already include the UN Global Compact principles
  • We introduced the Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policy
  • The Group approaches its risk and compliance management system very seriously

Read more in the Ethics & Compliance and Risk Management section

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