ESG Report

Climate policy and SBTi goals

At Allegro, we believe that environmental issues are an integral part of our operations. In our CSR & Sustainability Strategy for 2020–2023, we committed to reducing carbon emissions

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Allegro is on track to be the platform for sustainable shopping, helping customers make ever more responsible choices through exposure to and promotion of sustainable products, as well as lower footprint of the product delivery process. Our ambition is to continuously reduce our negative impact on the environment, primarily by reducing emissions, which is why we adopted the Climate Policy and climate targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. We also want to actively engage in environmental transformation to join as a leader in a low-carbon economy.

Green Allegro, or climate targets aligned with the Paris Agreement

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Allegro wants to be a leader of sustainability in Poland, setting ambitious goals and paving the way for other companies in the industry and the entire market. To us, setting decarbonization targets is a natural step in defining the reduction of our environmental impact. According to our analyses, our main environmental impact is our carbon footprint.

In March 2022, we adopted the Climate Policy. Under this policy, we commit to maximize renewable energy use, reduce the carbon footprint in our operations and work with our business partners to reduce emissions across the value chain. 

According the Climate Policy, we will use so-called high-quality offsets to address emissions that cannot be eliminated, based on UN Global Compact and UN guidelines. The Policy also defines the issues of environmental impact monitoring and management. Our Group implemented annual GHG emissions monitoring through calculating the carbon footprint according to the GHG Protocol, based on international reporting standards. We also committed to regularly mapping climate and environmental risks and opportunities and time horizons according to TCFD recommendations.

Under the Climate Policy, we are engaged in activities and initiatives:

  • to reduce Allegro.eu’s emissions and energy consumption
  • to reduce emissions related to shipping Allegro.eu orders
  • to develop low-carbon logistics centres for businesses selling on the Allegro platform
  • to introduce a circular economy model, including certified 100% recycled packaging and reusable packaging
  • to offer climate education to stakeholders, including customers and the public, in particular education and improvement of climate and environmental competence of the Group’s employees.

The initiatives under our Climate Policy are public and reported in Allegro.eu reports. Allegro’s Climate Policy is available on the Allegro.eu website.
The Board also adopted science-based decarbonization targets for Allegro.eu determined in line with the Paris Agreement. This was a result of joining the global Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) in September 2021, when Allegro.eu submitted a letter of intent approved by the Allegro Board where it publicly pledged to set a science-based climate target in line with the SBTi criteria within 24 months.

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Allegro submitted the targets to the SBTi where they are currently undergoing the process of validation and approval

The Science Based Targets Initiative is a prestigious and the most recognized global environmental initiative that currently enjoys the greatest interest from business. The initiative was launched in 2019 and to date includes nearly 3,000 companies. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) developed a methodology that enables companies to set science-based emissions reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement. The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

Science-based targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.

In the area of climate, Allegro.eu aims to:

  • Introduce renewable energy, including by acquiring green energy under power purchase agreements (PPA) or guarantees of origin
  • Reduce its carbon footprint in line with the Science-Based Target methodology based on targets developed and approved by the Board.
  • Introduce solutions to reduce Scope 3 emissions within the Group and its value chain, including efforts to reduce the negative environmental impact extending to Merchant Partners as well as climate education and support in developing emissions reduction targets for suppliers and business partners.
  • Offset the remaining (unavoidable) emissions in line with the so-called verified high-quality offsets, based on UN Global Compact and UN guidelines.
  • Actively participate in international climate and environmental initiatives, including the UN Global Compact, Science Based Targets Initiatives10, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
  • Be transparent in monitoring and disclosing progress towards Policy targets.
  • Regularly map climate and environmental risks and opportunities and time horizons in line with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

The Group undertakes activities and initiatives:

  • to develop projects to reduce Allegro.eu’s emissions and energy consumption
  • to reduce emissions related to shipping Allegro.eu orders
  • to develop low-carbon logistics centres for businesses selling on the Allegro platform
  • to introduce a circular economy, including certified 100% recycled packaging and reusable packaging
  • to offer climate education to stakeholders, including customers and the public, in particular education and improvement of climate and environmental competence of the Group’s employees.

The Group monitors and manages the environmental impact:

  • Allegro.eu launches the annual GHG emissions monitoring by calculating the organization’s carbon footprint according to the GHG Protocol, based on international reporting standards. The monitoring results are presented in the Allegro.eu Report. In the case of an acquisition, the Group will measure the impact of the new company to assess its significance in order to set science-based emissions reduction targets.
  • Allegro.eu is developing an agenda to reduce average GHG emissions per GMV.
  • In line with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TFCD) recommendations, Allegro.eu maps climate and environmental risks and does an annual review.
  • The process of identifying, assessing and managing climate risks is part of the overall risk management process in the Group.
  • The managerial staff at the Allegro.eu Group Significant Companies oversees sustainability- and climate-related issues, including by monitoring and overseeing the CSR/ESG & Sustainability Strategy. The supreme governing body of the Allegro.eu Group Significant Companies carries out its duties taking into account Climate Policy issues and pursues the agenda defined in the Policy when making executive decisions.
  • The Policy results are systematically reviewed by the CSR & Sustainability Management Committee, formed by General Counsel and Corporate Affairs Director, Communications Director and Chief Security Officer. The effects of the review are regularly presented and approved by the Steering Committee, formed by CEO and the remaining members of the supreme governing body of the Allegro.eu Group Significant Companies. The Climate Policy review is supervised by the Allegro.eu Board, and its results are presented in the Allegro.eu Report.
  • The Climate Policy extends to all Companies and Entities within the Allegro.eu Group. All Employees, Managers and Board Members are obliged to read and implement it.
  • At the same time, given that climate and environmental risks are subject to risk management and the Risk Management Policy, all Allegro.eu employees are responsible for risk identification and reporting. The role of the Board is to supervise corporate risk and climate risk, define the scope of risk management, define directions for the development of the risk management system and determine risk appetite levels.

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