ESG Report


Social and charity work

The Allegro.eu Group is engaged in charitable, social and sponsorship, as well as corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Allegro’s social impact spans technological education, including youth education, charity work and employee volunteering. 

Social and charity work policy, or putting our heart into it

In December 2021, the Allegro.eu Group implemented the Allegro.eu Charity, Social and Sponsoring Activities Policy. The Policy confirms that the profile of social, charity and sponsoring activities is determined by the Group’s strategy and the decisions of the Board, subject to benefit analysis and dialogue with stakeholders. These activities will be in line with the standards and good practices of corporate social responsibility, industry codes, the Group’s code of ethics as well as internal policies and regulations.  

Allegro All For Planet operates as a foundation within the Group. Through the work of Allegro All For Planet, we have been trying to increase environmental awareness among Poles and promote environmentally friendly behaviour since 2008. Combining environmentalism and sustainable transport with technology, we have created an employee volunteering programme. The Foundation also supports various social programmes of other Polish NGOs. The social impact activities have been outlined in the Allegro CSR & Sustainability Strategy for 2020–2023. Our main goals are: 


To invest in education and development skills for young people 

  • Long-term educational programmes for the youth (open-ended or selected groups) to foster entrepreneurial and tech skills
  • Educational and mentoring initiatives for the youth
  • Partnerships with universities to increase the applicability of university courses and development of skills that increase students' employability

To support communities we operate in

  • Continue and scale up Allegro Charytatywni
  • Continue and scale up existing initiatives
  • Work with selected charities
  • Local fund-raising on Allegro Lokalnie
  • Develop employee volunteering programmes
  • Participate in initiatives, eg. hackathons that address issues affecting Allegro stakeholders (e.g. senior users, persons with disabilities) and support sustainable development (e.g. climate change, smart cities)

Social, Charity and Sponsorship Activities Policy 

  • Create and introduce the Social, Charity and Sponsorship Activities Policy, which will identify the scope of activities and outline how Allegro.eu operates in this area.

The social and charitable activities of the Group has been at the core of the company since its establishment, reflecting the idea that technology has the power to solve many social problems. The Group Companies share their knowledge, support education in technology, and help those in need by using the tools available on the Allegro.pl Platform (Charytatywni.Allegro.pl and AllegroLokalnie.pl fundraisers), and through the activity of the Allegro All for Planet Foundation (which will be renamed Allegro Foundation in the near future).

Details on charitable, social and sponsorship activities are publicly available

The company monitors expenses, as well as in-kind donations: donations of products or services, projects/partnerships, etc. 

As a member of the UN Global Compact, Allegro confirms that its sponsoring, social, and charity activities follow the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and that it pursues Sustainable Development Goals, contributing to meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

The goal of Allegro.eu Charity, Social and Sponsoring Activities Policy is to establish the obligations of the Group, its employees, contractors and all staff members with a view to discharging the Company’s obligations pertaining to charitable, social and sponsorship activities. 

The policy ensures the transparency of expenses on charity, social and sponsoring initiatives undertaken by the Group. The Policy organizes and identifies the overarching goals of charitable, social and sponsorship activities of the Group. The Policy prohibits any kind of political involvement on the part of the company. The Policy also prohibits sponsoring of and donations to political parties, their political organizations or institutions of similar nature, as well as persons holding public offices and politicians. Charitable activities in the form of donations may not involve making donations to trade unions, employers’ organizations, professional self-governing bodies, or sports clubs established as commercial companies. This prohibition also includes military organizations or persons, as well as the arms industry. 

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Donation to social and charity organizations and to support culture


Expenditure incurred to support charitable institutions and social organizations and as charity donations* 

PLN 4.3 mln

Expenditure incurred to support culture** 

PLN 0.5 mln

* including a donation to Allegro All For Planet Foundation, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy), Lekarze Lekarzom Foundation, Zwolnieni z Teorii Foundation, Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA, as well as others organizations and institutions.
** including the Allegro Prize and the Best Book of the Year.

In 2021, in accordance with the Allegro.eu’s Charitable, Social and Sponsoring Activities Policy, the company made no expenses to support trade unions or political parties and made no donations to the media.  

Social engagement, or technology for society



At Allegro, we believe technology has the power to solve many social problems. Using our platform and reach, we help people in need and support social organizations in organizing charity initiatives.


Throughout the seven years of its activity, Allegro Charytatywni has proved how much demand there is for an online space that brings together those who can offer support to those who may need it

Allegro Charytatywni is an online space where any non-for profit organization can raise funds to achieve goals that it considers especially important. No fees or commissions are charged. We provide the necessary technological tools and engage in selected initiatives as partners. Allegro customers who wish to support a given person or cause can put their own items on sale, and the proceeds will be donated to a cause of their choice, or buy unique items on charity auctions. 

In some of the charity auctions, customers can make a direct payment. In most cases, they opt for the Virtual Collection Box (Wirtualna Puszka) or a fast PayU transfer.



Charytatywni Allegro.pl results in 2021:

39.3 PLN million
unique offers
charity goals...

Since its launch, the platform has donated:

  • 1,500 NGOs
  • PLN 113.6 million more than


Allegro has supported the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) since its inception. 21 years of partnership have translated into nearly PLN 80 million transferred to the account of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation. An additional PLN 31 million was donated to the Foundation following the 29th Grand Finale. All funds were used to purchase laryngology, otolaryngology and head diagnostics equipment.  

In 2021, we supported the Orchestra in the following ways:  

  • Auctions on the platform  
  • Rzeczyodserca.pl – a platform for celebrities and Allegro customers to put items on sale, with proceeds being donated to initiatives that WOŚP is collecting money for in the given year. Donors are also encouraged to record videos describing the items they are putting on sale  
  • Virtual Collection Box (Wirtualna Puszka) 
  • Video streams 
  • Participation in the Grand Finale in the studio 
  • Allegro Staff (Sztab Allegro), volunteering by Allegro employees. 


  • Over 205,000 offers and Virtual Collection Box donations helped raise PLN 30.1 million for WOŚP. This amount is over twice as high as in the previous year.
  • Allegro helped break the record by donating PLN 1 million to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
  • 425 teams posted a total of over 38,000 auctions on Allegro. The engaged foreign teams included even the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund in Spitsbergen. Allegro customers also eagerly turned to their computer screens and smartphones to support the Foundation.
  • In 8 weeks, the aukcje.wosp.org.pl website was visited by over 8.3 million unique users, and mobile devices generated as much as 77% of the overall traffic.


For years, Allegro has been supporting Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift). In December 2021, our customers could add a donation to their order to support this initiative for the second time. A total of 94,684 charity shopping actions under the Noble Cart campaign helped collect PLN 1,050,040 to support disadvantaged families. 

40 of Allegro.eu’s volunteer leaders, together with their 700 volunteers, prepared Noble Gifts for 36 families struggling financially. During the Weekend of Miracles (Weekend Cudów), the parcels of a total value of over PLN 145,000 reached the needy to fulfil their dreams and satisfy all needs. 


Since 2012, Allegro has been organizing Kręć Kilometry (Log Miles for Charity), a campaign that promotes physical activity and the bicycle as an alternative to other means of transport (on account of its positive impact on the environment) among Group employees. The ninth edition of the campaign was held from July until the end of September 2021. We encourage individual and team competition through Activy, a mobile gamification app that monitors a cyclist’s activity. As part of individual competition, Allegro employees could join monthly challenges and the main challenge. The winners received prizes, and teams donated funds to charity. It was also partially an educational campaign as we published a dozen articles with cycling tips on a dedicated website and held three webinars with cycling experts, the influencer Ministra Kolarstwa, a professional bikefitter and Maja Włoszczowska, an Olympian and multiple cycling world champion. We set up bike maintenance and service sites in four cities. 

During the three months of the campaign, nearly 400 Allegro Group employees logged more than 182,000 kilometres as part of 11,800 cycling activities, saving 46 tonnes of carbon dioxide. As part of Kręć Kilometry, we donated PLN 30,000 to Fundacja Przyjaciele Palucha (an animal shelter in Warsaw), which was selected by the employees in a public vote. In addition, the winning team donated PLN 5,000 to Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom Chorym Onkologicznie, a childhood cancer charity in Poznań.  



The Allegro Prize competition gives artists from around the world the opportunity to gain wide recognition. The jury consisting of well-known figures such as Andrzej Chyra, Natalia Sielewicz, Valeria Napoleone, and Rafał Milach discovered new talented artists and offered them the opportunity to present their art to a large audience. In 2021 3 winners were chosen and 10 distinctions awarded. The total amount of the awards was PLN 50,000. Paul Debashish, Latifa Zafar Attaii, and Ewa Ciepielewska are the three artists who impressed the jury with their works and won the second edition of the international competition for visual artists – Allegro Prize 2021.


Allegro became involved in another edition of the Best Book of the Year 2020, a country-wide poll organized together with Lubimy Czytać (Polish GoodReads). A new, socially responsible category was created in 2021 to support the book industry. The offline book segment was devastated by the pandemic no less than other industries. Participants could vote for one of the five well-known NGOs promoting readership and supporting booksellers during the pandemic. As the poll organizer, Allegro supported those institutions with a donation of PLN 250,000 for their declared charity goals.


The Russian aggression against Ukraine did not leave Allegro indifferent. Within the first few days of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Allegro Group launched efforts to support humanitarian aid organizations. To date, the Allegro Group has donated PLN 2 million, including PLN 1 million to support the Polish Migration Forum (Polskie Forum Migracyjne), PLN 700,000 to Rescue Foundation (Fundacja Ocalenie) and PLN 300,000 to Homo Faber.

The company has also engaged customers, offering them several options to support selected initiatives; as part of its Charytatywni platform, Allegro has launched the campaign Donation for Ukraine (Cegiełka dla Ukrainy) in partnership with the Polish Centre for International Aid (Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej, PCPM) in March 2022 and the Saint Nicholas Foundation (Fundacja Świętego Mikołaja) from April 2022.

Customers can also support other charity collections organized by aid organizations via Allegro Charytatywni, including PCPM, the Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), Fundacja Siepomaga, Polish Medical Mission (Polska Misja Medyczna), the Saint Nicholas Foundation and the Radio ZET Foundation. Thanks to the generous donors, aid organizations have already received over PLN 9.2 million (as of 31.03) and counting.

Allegro customers eagerly joined the campaign, with donations totalling more than PLN 9.2 million by 31 March 2022 made up by PLN 2 million in donations made by Allegro as well as NGO collections organized on Allegro Charytatywni and the Donation for Ukraine campaign, with more than PLN 6.1 million collected as part of the latter. The entire amount will go to both Foundations towards humanitarian aid, evacuating the Ukrainian population as well as support for children affected by the war, including after the end of hostilities.

We have also joined the economic boycott of Russia and Belarus, imposing a ban on shipments and sales for merchants from these countries. As of 14 March 2022, no Russian or Belarusian products can be listed on the platform.

As a show of solidarity with Ukraine, we have changed the logo colours on our home page and added the Ukrainian flag in the Allegro app icon. In April 2022, we launched the Ukrainian version of our platform to facilitate access to offers for the growing number of Ukrainians living in Poland. The translated user interface enables Ukrainian speakers to use the platform as well as manage their account and payments conveniently.

Allegro Group employees from Ukraine have also been supported with additional paid leave as well as access to legal advice, financial aid or free mental health assistance. We have also prepared educational webinars for all Group employees, e.g. a webinar on how to talk to children about war in partnership with the Empowering Children Foundation (Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę). Employees could take part in charity collections organized by the company and come forward as volunteers and receive PLN 15,000 in funding to support people affected by the war in Ukraine as part of the third edition of the #Pomagamy_bo_umiemy project.

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