ESG Report

Corporate governance

  • 102-18
  • 102-22
  • 102-23
  • G-P1

Transparency, procedures and the structure, or how we manage the Group

Allegro.eu, being a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Luxembourg, has a one-tier (unitary) management system in which the Board of Directors includes both Executive Directors (dealing with the day-to-day management) and Non-executive (Supervising) Directors, as opposed to the majority of Polish companies, having both the board of directors and the supervisory board.

In 2021, the Board had eight members, of whom two were considered independent. The Board of Directors is vested in the broadest powers to manage the business of the Company and to authorize and/or to perform all acts of administration necessary or useful to implementing the Company’s corporate purpose as described in the Articles of Association, except for matters expressly reserved by laws or the Articles of Association to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors has a number of responsibilities, which include approving the Group’s annual budget, overseeing significant acquisitions and disposals, and managing the Group’s financial statements.

The Board of Directors meets when required by the Company’s business, but at least once per quarter. Its meetings are only valid if a majority of the directors are present or represented. The resolutions of the Board of Directors are passed by a simple majority of the votes of the voting Directors present or represented, not considering abstentions. The Board of Directors held 11 meetings in 2021.

The table below sets out the name, age, position, year of appointment and the year in which the current term expires for each of the Directors of the Company.

First and last name


Year of appointment  

End of term


Darren Huston




Non-Executive Chairman 

François Nuyts




Executive Director 

Jonathan Eastick




Executive Director 

David Barker





Richard Sanders





Paweł Padusiński




Mid Europa Partners

Nancy Cruickshank




Independent Non-Executive Director

Carla Smits-Nusteling




Independent Non-Executive Director 

The Group has the Audit Committee
and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee

The duties of the Audit Committee include reviewing:

  • the integrity of financial information reported externally
  • the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems
  • and the independence, objectivity, remuneration and scope of work of the Group’s external and internal auditors.
  • review and approval of the annual audit plan and setting direction for the audit plans for a period of several years
  • discussion of the audit reports with the internal and external auditors, as well as with the management, and the monitoring of their implementation
  • the assessment of the performance of the internal and external auditors as well as their cooperation with one another
  • support of the Company’s Board in the nomination of the external auditors to be proposed to the shareholders’ meeting for election, particularly with respect to the auditors’ independence from the Group, their qualifications and the share of non-audit fees in their total remuneration
  • checking the independence of the internal audit department from the Group and the units to be audited as well as the approval of the guidelines for the work of the internal audit department
  • the assessment of the consolidated financial statements, the statutory financial statements and the management report of the Company as well as the decision on whether they can be recommended to the Company’s Board for submission to the shareholders’ meeting
  • the periodical assessment of the internal control system
  • the periodical review of the adequacy and security of the Group’s whistleblowing, fraud detection and anti-bribery procedures.

The Audit Committee consists of David Barker, Nancy Cruickshank and Carla Smits-Nusteling (who serves as chairperson of the Audit Committee).

  • discussion and approval of quarterly, half-yearly and annual investor reporting packages
  • deep dives on specific focus areas: risk management, liquidity & treasury, tax
  • estimates and judgements prior to the annual closing
  • formalization of the Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR) framework
  • past audits’ remediation reporting and monitoring (establishing framework + quarterly updates)
  • annual audit plan of the external auditor and the internal audit function
  • performance of the external and internal auditors and (re)appointment of the external auditor for the Group and specific Material Components, as applicable
  • annual assessment of the Audit Committee and the annual report of the Committee to the Board.
  • the preparation and periodical review of the Group’s compensation policy and principles and the performance criteria related to compensation and the periodical review of their implementation as well as the submission of proposals and recommendations to the Company’s Board
  • the preparation of all relevant decisions of the Company’s Board in relation to the nomination of the members of the Company’s Board, as well as submission of proposals and recommendations to the Company’s Board.

The Company's Board may delegate further powers and duties to the Remuneration and Nomination Committee

The chief executive officer and/or the chief financial officer of the Company or any member of the Company’s Board may be invited as an observer from time to time to meetings of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.

The Remuneration and Nomination Committee consists of Nancy Cruickshank, Darren Huston (who serves as chairperson of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee) and Carla Smits-Nusteling.

In 2021, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee held four sessions in total. For detailed information on issues discussed at Committee meetings, see the Allegro.eu Group Consolidated Annual Report for 2021, p. 107.

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