ESG Report

KPI and results

  • 102-7
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  • 3
13,5 million Active Buyers
133,000 merchants
21.6 million internet users per month
As of 31 December 2021, the Group’s e-commerce marketplace had approximately 13.5 million Active Buyers, who connected with over 133,000 merchants. Allegro.pl attracts visits from an average of 21.6 million internet users per month, which is equivalent to 68% of Polish residents aged 16 and above, and 74% of all internet users in Poland. In December 2021, Allegro.pl ranked 104 in the SimilarWeb global ranking of the most popular websites.

For more financial and operational indicators, see the Allegro.eu Group Annual Report available at Allegro.eu.
Allegro.pl is the most recognized e-commerce brand in Poland (source: Gemius)

*The total number of employees in 2020 has been retrospectively adjusted to include 130 temporary agency workers in the Błonie warehouse (previously excluded from the headcount of 3,159 reported in 2020).

For more financial and operational indicators, see the Allegro.eu Group Annual Report available at Allegro.eu.

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  • 207-1
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  • 207-3
  • 207-4

Our contribution to the economy

268.5 PLN million
Allegro.eu Group’s income tax expense in FY 2021
35.5 %
% YoY increase in income tax expense in FY 2021
(source: Allegro.eu Annual Report)

The tax policy of Allegro.eu and its subsidiaries is based on adherence to all obligations arising from tax regulations. The Group pays taxes when due and in the required amount and submits due tax statements and information. In particular, the amount of tax due is defined according to actual economic events. The actual tax strategy of the Group results from a number of internal procedures in individual companies, and strategy implementation reports are publicly available on corporate websites at Allegro.pl2 and Ceneo.pl3 in compliance with applicable Polish law.

2 https://allegro.pl/zobacz/informacja-o-realizacji-strategii-podatkowej
3 https://info.ceneo.pl/Brands/infoceneo/Ceneo_informacja_o_strategii_2020.pdf

The Group’s tax reporting promotes the credibility of its entities among investors and other stakeholders and builds confidence in Group companies. The Group’s tax operations are consistent with the business strategy, and its image of a responsible taxpayer fits into a broader context of the organization’s sustainability.

The Group’s tax strategy is regularly reviewed by the Tax Team in close partnership with the board. Compliance, internal control and risk management systems, including tax risk management systems, and the reliability of financial reports within the Group are overseen by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee also conducts an independent effectiveness review of those systems.

Given the scale and scope of the Group’s operations, it is impossible to avoid all tax risks, e.g. due to frequent changes in tax regulations and the level of their complexity. The companies are trying to minimize tax risk by following the letter and the spirit of tax law and working with reputable tax consultancies and law firms.

The Group has defined risks and implemented procedures to minimize the potential negative effects of taking those risks. Allegro.eu’s tax risks were disclosed in the Allegro.eu Group Consolidated Annual Report ended on 31 December 2021 in the “Risks Related to Regulation, Legal and Intellectual Property Matters” section. The tax risks defined by the company include:

  • changes in Polish tax regulations that may harm the Group’s operational results and financial condition
  • the amended Withholding Tax (WHT) regime in Poland
  • digital services taxes have been proposed, partially implemented, and may be broadened by Poland, some EU Member States, the European Union or the OECD, and other taxes may be imposed on the e-commerce segment or e-commerce platforms
  • an increased focus by the relevant tax authorities on related party transactions may cause the Group’s policies to undergo more scrutiny, and the Group may be subject to tax audits and challenges involving such transactions
  • Polish tax rulings may be subject to review
  • customs and tax authorities are currently undertaking tax audits into CIT settlements in the Group’s main operating companies, which may, along with any future tax audits, involve additional costs for the Group
  • the implementation of the 2021 EU VAT e-commerce package may result in additional tax exposure for the Group due to the considered plans to make the Import One Stop Shop system obligatory for marketplaces
  • the Group may be exposed to greater tax liabilities than anticipated
  • the Group may face the risk of its operations or transactions being reviewed in selected areas based on the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR).

If there are any doubts about how to apply tax regulations, the Group consults professional third-party tax and legal advisers and uses the institution of tax interpretation. The Group is also obliged to undergo an annual audit of accounts conducted by an external and independent authorized entity.

As members of trade associations and on their own behalf, Allegro Group companies participate in the Polish and EU legislative process and issue opinions on draft amendments to tax regulations at the stage of public consultation.

[GRI 207-2] [GRI 207-3]

All Group employees can report concerns regarding the organization’s unethical or illegal tax behaviour using a whistleblowing system. The system guarantees confidentiality and safety of the whistleblowers, including protection from retaliatory action. It is open and accessible for everyone in the company (reports can also be submitted anonymously via a special form available online).

The Group cooperates with tax authorities to the full extent provided for by the law. The companies provide tax authorities with complete information regarding tax settlements and provides additional information at the request of tax authorities in a timely manner. In 2021, the Group companies did not enter voluntary cooperation with the National Revenue Administration (Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa, KAS) provided for in tax regulations. The companies do not rule out entering such cooperation in the future.

In 2021, no fines or additional sanctions were imposed on the Group for any tax irregularities.

[GRI 207-4 b] 

The Group submits information on its taxes due in periodical financial reports. Since the scale of the Group’s operations in other tax jurisdictions outside Poland is limited (immaterial in terms of value), the information published regards Poland only. The Group does not carry out a fiscal policy in countries considered tax havens.

In FY 2021, the income tax was PLN 268.6 million, PLN 70.4 million (35.5%) higher than the tax for FY 2020. The Group’s effective tax rate was 19.8% and 32.1% for FY 2021 and 2020 respectively, compared to the Polish standard corporate income tax rate of 19% for each period. The high effective tax rate in the comparative period resulted from non-deductible IPO expenses and other tax losses incurred by one of the Group’s Luxembourg subsidiaries in the combined amount of PLN 266.0 million, for which no deferred tax asset was recognized as this entity is not likely to generate taxable income in the foreseeable future.



Names of the resident entities

Allegro.pl sp. z o.o.,
Ceneo.pl, sp. z
Allegro Pay sp. z

Primary activities of the organization 

Allegro.pl – operator of online marketplace 

Ceneo.pl-multi-category price comparison site in Poland 

Allegro.pay – a consumer finance and 
lending solutions provide

Number of employees, and the basis of calculation of this number 


Revenues from third-party sales 

Revenues from intra-group transactions with other tax jurisdictions 

Profit/loss before tax 

1358,1 mln PLN

Tangible assets other than cash and cash equivalents 


Corporate income tax paid on a cash basis 

Corporate income tax accrued on profit/loss 

268,5 mln PLN

Reasons for the difference between corporate income tax accrued on profit/loss and the tax due if the statutory tax rate is applied to profit/loss before tax 

* Employment contract, contractors, employment agency and external services


Allegro.pl is one of the top ten corporate income taxpayers in Poland, which was recognized by the Ministry of Finance, which presents a list of the largest CIT payers every year. In October 2021, companies and tax capital groups to have paid the highest CIT in 2020 were presented with awards by the Minister of Finance Tadeusz Kościński. The data were provided for individual statements of companies with annual revenue exceeding EUR 50 million and taxpayers defined as “tax capital groups”. With a payment of PLN 232.8 million, Allegro.pl made the list and received the award from the Minister.

  • 102-13

Collaboration and partnership, or how we share knowledge

As a member of trade associations, we regularly participate in public consultations on Polish and EU draft legislation. We represent the interest of our merchants, consumers and a wider group of European technological companies. Allegro has also founded and, for the last four years, led the European Tech Alliance, continuing to actively engage in and further digitization and an innovation-friendly legal environment. We stay in touch with government bodies such as the Polish Office for Competition and Consumer Protection in an effort to support education and develop the best market standards. We work with the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Ombudsman and public economic administration to improve the situation of local entrepreneurs and ensure them full representation.

We also work with  E-commerce Europe through the Chamber of Digital Economy [Allegro.pl], BusinessEurope as part of Konfederacja Lewiatan [Allegro.pl] and  Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe as part of IAB Poland [Allegro.pl]. We also are a member of SME Connect at SME Europe through our membership in ZPP.

EU Tech Credo

As a member of the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) and other business organizations in Poland and at the EU level, we contribute to the regulatory dialogue. Our objective is to create optimal conditions for innovation, provide proper support for merchants and ensure safety and user-friendliness for consumers, as well as a level-playing field for all participants, including scale-ups. In order to feed into the pending EU debates, Allegro presented its EU Tech Credo, in which we underline how key it is that EU policies are effectively built on principles such as proportionality, smart regulation and coherence between the different policy objectives and legal provisions. Rules regulating platforms’ obligations, taxes, innovative payment solutions, the use of artificial intelligence and data should allow us to innovate and develop cutting-edge services without slowing down the processes or creating unjustified costs or unfair administrative burdens.

Allegro sees the legal framework as an important factor of success and competitiveness for all EU companies. This is why we have been advocating for rules that support EU companies in innovations and in leveraging new technologies to improve services for consumers. We see it as our aim to constantly focus on improving our customers’ and partners’ experience, help propel investments and innovation and employ great talents. At the same time, we believe that EU rules can help make the bloc a true Digital Single Market that allows companies to operate and thrive across countries, ensuring that rules established here apply and are enforceable equally to all companies that do business across Europe.

EU Tech Credo See more

Proudly presenting our awards and achievements

Our social activity and the rapid growth of our platform that you can read about in this report have been recognized and appreciated by industry representatives, the business community and, most importantly, consumers. This has earned us a number of awards and accolades of which we are very proud! They were awarded for various areas of our operations: excellent customer service, our IPO, building a friendly workplace and, naturally, our sustainability efforts.

Forbes Poland’s Best Employers 2021

In the ranking prepared by Forbes and Statista, we came in first among employers in the retail industry. We are all the more pleased with this distinction since we owe it in part to the votes of our employees

Trustworthy Employer

In the 11th edition of the Trustworthy Employer Awards, Allegro received an award in the Internship Programmes category for its internship programme Summer e-Xperience 2021. Allegro was recognized for giving young people an opportunity to make their first steps on their career path. The competition was organized by the Polish Chamber of Commerce (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza)

LinkedIn Talent Awards

Allegro.pl became a winner of the prestigious LinkedIn Talent Awards, where teams from across the world are recognized for implementing innovative recruitment and employer branding solutions. LinkedIn’s Data and Information Team analysed the results and engagement of organizations that use LinkedIn solutions in Poland, awarding Allegro the main prize in the Diversity Champion category. The category recognizes organizations that use inclusive communication, paying attention to diversity.

Employees give us a high score on Diversity

Allegro ranked among 17 Polish companies with the best score on Diversity awarded by employees in a ranking by Financial Times.

Allegro recognized as an employer by the Polish Quality Research Institute

Allegro was given a score of 5 stars as an employer by young professionals and 4 stars overall in the Telecommunications Companies category (including IT companies) in the Polish Quality Research Institute (Polski Instytut Badań Jakości, PIBJA) ranking of the best employers in Poland. PIBJA only awards companies that received an above-average score in their industry.
More details: https://www.badaniajakosci.pl/awards/najlepsi-pracodawcy-w-polsce/.

Employer Branding Excellence Awards: main prize in the EB Strategy category

The jury recognized our activities to promote Allegro as an employer in the labour market in Kraków since Q4 2019. In particular, the jury recognized our comprehensive approach (we conducted a brand audit, labour market research and workshops), various channels of reaching potential candidates (a combination of online and outdoor campaigns, ambient marketing) and the results themselves summarizing the initiatives implemented (an increase in the number of CVs, spontaneous and prompted awareness of Allegro as an employer, the number of audience members engaged).

The Most Desired Employer ranking

Allegro took one of the top spots in this year’s Most Desired Employer (Najbardziej Pożądany Pracodawca, NPP) ranking and was named the leader in the e-commerce/retail industry.

Allegro is one of the top 10 taxpayers in Poland

Allegro.pl is one of the top ten corporate income taxpayers in Poland, which was recognized by the Ministry of Finance, which presents a list of the largest CIT payers every year. In October 2021, companies and tax capital groups to have paid the highest CIT in 2020 were presented with awards by the Minister of Finance Tadeusz Kościński. The data was provided for individual statements of companies with annual revenue exceeding EUR 50 million and taxpayers defined as “tax capital groups”. With a payment of PLN 232.8 million, Allegro.pl made the list and received the award from the Minister.

Allegro Pay awarded at Fintech Awards 2021

The innovative fintech service Allegro Pay was recognized by the Programme Committee as the best Buy Now, Pay Later solution in the first edition of Fintech Awards 2021.

Awards for Allegro at E-commerce Polska Awards

Allegro was recognized by the jury of the competition held by the Chamber of Digital Economy in three categories: Best in B2B, Best B2B Team and Best in CSR.

Service Quality Star

For the fourth consecutive year, we were awarded the Service Quality Star in the E-commerce Platforms category! This invariably demonstrates that we represent the highest standards of Customer Experience in Poland.

Telemarketer of the Year

In the Telemarketer of the Year competition, as many as 3 CX Allegro reached the grand final, and Sławka Turowicz was presented with the main prize in the WOW Effect category and an honourable mention in the Chat Service category at the awards gala.

EFFIE Awards Poland 2021

The SMART for Everyone campaign received a bronze EFFIE award in the retail/sales channels category for the most effective campaigns.

Allegro rides high in social media rankings!

Allegro ranked 1st in the E-commerce category and 1st in the TOP 100 of all brands, scoring 60% higher than the runner-up in the 2021 Social Index report created by SentiOne. It is one of the most famous internet monitoring tools. High in the number-five spot among the top 10 e-commerce domains is Allegro Gadane, proving that the amount of content generated by our community users is really high. SentiOne’s analysis is based on discussions about brands and their sentiment and the number of mentions among online commenters.

Allegro in the TOP 5 in SoTrender’s most important brands in Poland

Once again, Allegro ranked among the TOP 5 most important brands in Poland, according to the SoTrender ranking looking back on the year 2021 on Facebook. We were recognized for the speed and frequency of our response to our fans’ posts. Of particular note is our average response time of 12 minutes and 48 seconds!

Ethical Business 2021

Allegro won another title of Ethical Business 2021, awarded to businesses by Puls Biznesu and PwC Legal. We were recognized for building and reinforcing a business model based on ethics and values, as well as our extraordinary approach to transparency.

CSR Silver Leaf

We received the Polityka 2021 CSR Silver Leaf awarded to CSR leaders by Polityka Weekly and Deloitte. In addition, we were recognized by our COVID-19 pandemic relief efforts. The CSR Silver Leaf speaks to the highest level of our everyday sustainability initiatives and responsible management practices.

Benefactor of the Year

At the Gala of the 24th edition of the Benefactor of the Year Competition organized by the Academy for the Development of Philanthropy (Akademia Rozwoju Filantropii), we received a special award for our social and charitable efforts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

Sustainability Reports Awards

Allegro won two awards in the 15th edition of the Sustainability Reports Awards, a competition to award the best sustainability reports in 2020 organized by the Responsible Business Forum (Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu) and Deloitte. The accolade in the Sustainability Report category, awarded from among 55 submissions judged for completeness, credibility and communication by a jury of acknowledged experts in economics, environmental protection, social issues and other fields went to Allegro’s ESG Report! We were recognized for the modern format of reporting online: https://raportesg.allegro.pl. Allegro also won the Internet Users Award for the most votes cast for the report.

Recognition in the Stena Circular Economy Award – Circular Economy Leader competition.

In April 2022, Allegro was recognized for its “Opakowania dobre z natury” project in the Stena Circular Economy Award – Circular Economy Leader competition. We received the accolade for introducing more than 571,000 items of sustainable 100% recycled and FSC-certified packaging and our educational campaign.

Climate Leaders, Poland 2022

Allegro came in second in FORBES’ Climate Leaders, Poland 2022 ranking, having reduced annual emissions intensity (CARR) by 54.29%.

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